JIPITEC 8 (4) 2017
Up one levelJIPITEC, the „Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law“ is an online-journal for current issues of intellectual property, information technology and E-commerce law. This is the twenty-fourth issue of JIPITEC, launched in December 2017.
The complete issue as PDF JIPITEC_8_4_2017.pdf (2.1 MB)
Editorial: A Christmas Gift
Designing Competitive Markets for Industrial Data – Between Propertisation and Access
From Cyberpunk to Regulation – Digitised Memories as Personal and Sensitive Data within the EU Data Protection Law
Copyright, Doctrine and Evidence-Based Reform
Non-Commercial Quotation and Freedom of Panorama: Useful and Lawful?
Where is the Harm in a Privacy Violation? Calculating the Damages Afforded in Privacy Cases by the European Court of Human Rights
Editorial: A Christmas Gift