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JIPITEC 10 (2) 2019

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JIPITEC 10 (2) 2019
JIPITEC, the „Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law“ is an online journal for current issues of intellectual property, information technology and E-commerce law. This is the twenty-ninth issue of JIPITEC, launched in October 2019.

The complete issue as PDF JIPITEC_10_2_2019.pdf (3.2 MB)

  1. Editorial
  1. Response to the 2018 Sarr-Savoy Report: Statement on Intellectual Property Rights and Open Access relevant to the digitization and restitution of African Cultural Heritage and associated materials
  2. Réponse au Rapport Sarr-Savoy: Déclaration sur la numérisation, les droits de propriété intellectuelle et le libre accès du patrimoine culturel africain et des archives connexes
  1. Fixing Copyright Reform: A Better Solution to Online Infringement
  2. On Upload-Filters and other Competitive Advantages for Big Tech Companies under Article 17 of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market
  3. Recht der öffentlichen Werkwiedergabe im harmonisierten Urheberrecht
  4. Game-theoretical Model on the GDPR - Market for Lemons?
  5. Big Data in the Insurance Industry: Leeway and Limits for Individualising Insurance Contracts
  6. Access to Data in Connected Cars and the Recent Reform of the Motor Vehicle Type Approval Regulation
  7. Different ‘Rules of the Game’ – Impact of National Court Systems on Patent Litigation in the EU and the Need for New Perspectives
Book Review
  1. Kraus, Daniel/Obrist, Thierry/Hari, Olivier, Blockchains, Smart Contracts, Decentralised Autonomous Organisation and the Law
JIPITEC – Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law
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