
The editors welcome submissions of high quality articles covering issues of intellectual property, information technology and E-commerce law. Papers may focus on European Union law, the law of EU Member States, other European jurisdictions or on international law issues in the field. Articles in English and in other European languages, especially German and French, are equally welcome. All Articles must provide an English abstract and indicate 3-5 Key Words. All articles will be double-blind peer reviewed. Submissions which are off-topic can be rejected by the responsible editor-in-charge without peer review. In order to ensure that the peer review process runs smoothly, an anonymous version must also be included without identifying the author. 

If you like to write a book review please contact the editors, they will send you a copy of the book.

Articles may be submitted to the editors only at


Submission deadlines for the coming issues:

  • 15 August 2024 
  • 15 December 2024 
  • 15 April 2025 
  • 15 August 2025

The publication process, including reviews, editing and finalisation, will take around 6 to 12 months and the article will then be published in one of the next Issues.

Submissions should follow the formating and citation guidelines.